mathematica modify code like?
(too old to reply)
Walter Sívoli
2014-05-06 06:27:06 UTC

how to modify this line to
the letter remains in bold and can enlarge at will

(this is the last line of a larger code)

For[i = 1, i <= 20, i++,
Print[If[i < 10, "O", ""] <> ToString[i], spc[5], "A = ",
toStrg /@ t[[i, 1]],
spc[col - Plus @@ StringLength[toStrg /@ t[[i, 1]]]], "B = ",
toStrg /@ t[[i, 2]]]]
David Bailey
2014-05-12 04:44:43 UTC
Post by Walter Sívoli
how to modify this line to
the letter remains in bold and can enlarge at will
(this is the last line of a larger code)
For[i = 1, i <= 20, i++,
Print[If[i < 10, "O", ""] <> ToString[i], spc[5], "A = ",
You are clearly indexing an array 't', but you have not included its
definition. This makes it hard to see exactly what you want to do, but
if you want to print out information using various styles, you should
wrap them in the Style function (look it up in the help system).

(Clearly described problems get a much better response here!)

David Bailey
